How Offline Marketing Drives Revenue for your Local Business

So one of the questions that I’ve been getting is a “Michael, it seems like you favor, online marketing and digital versus offline.” And the short answer is yes, I definitely favor, online marketing. And it’s not because I’ve got more experience in online marketing, but rather the results of online compared to offline are often night […]
Does your local business have the Disney factor?

So one of my favorite places on planet earth is the magic kingdom and really any of the Disney properties. And it goes for the hotels, the cruise line, from what I’ve read, I can’t vouch for the cruise line because I’d never been on a Disney cruise, just jet, the restaurants, everything that relates […]
What Is Social Media Marketing, and Why You Need It

Just how connected are you to social media, personally? We’re willing to bet you’re probably one of the three billion worldwide users who is connected to an estimated average of approximately seven different networks. But just how connected is your business to social media? More specifically, how connected is your business to social media marketing? […]
The Importance Of A Social Media Expert For Businesses

The digital landscape has changed so drastically in the past ten years alone that it’s become virtually unrecognizable. Nowhere is this more evident than in the world of social media. Gone are the days when the likes of MySpace dominated the field. Today, social media platforms number in the hundreds, with an estimated 3.48 billion […]
6 Benefits Of SEO For Small Businesses

If you’re running a small business, marketing will be a key component of your success. Marketing allows you to distinguish yourself from competitors. It’s how you funnel in new customers. And, when it comes to digital marketing campaigns, your SEO can make or break your small business. Despite the title SEO, it’s not only about […]
What Is Digital Marketing (And How It Can Help Your Business)

Digital marketing. We’ve all heard the term, and we all have a reasonably clear picture in our heads of what it refers to. But just how clear is that picture? For many businesses, digital marketing simply means having a presence online—be it their own site or (if they’ve taken the leap into the 21st century) […]
7 Tips To Help You Develop Your Best Content Strategy

You’ve spent a lot of time on your business. You’ve identified your customers. You’ve developed a service they don’t just want but actually need. You may have even spent thousands of dollars and countless hours on developing a full scale digital marketing campaign. But there’s one critical element missing: Your content strategy. Content marketing strategies […]
Marketing 101: 6 Tips to Grow Your Business Online

Every company wants to grow their business. Whether it’s sales, size or simply visibility, growth is a fundamental key to your survival in both the digital and physical world. But maybe your struggle is in online growth. If so, you’re no different than 20 percent of other small businesses who fail within their first year. […]
Marketing Math

There’s a phrase that I use pretty much every single day and this phrase is really the way that I think about marketing and that coveted return on investments. The phrase is, “Marketing Math,” and it’s a little bit controversial in the sense of, I believe that almost every single form of marketing that you […]
What Is Internet Marketing? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Internet marketing. For some people, the concept seems simple enough. Put together a well designed webpage, buy a few Google or Facebook ads and your sales will virtually skyrocket overnight. Except it’s not that simple. Unlike traditional marketing, internet marketing requires adapting to new models. New language. And a constantly evolving platform. It’s also not […]